Perquimans County Library
Hertford, NC
Work with Perquimans County begin in 2012 with a comparison of options - remain at the Existing Facility/Site and renovate/expand or move to a New Site and build a new facility. The Community and the County ultimately chose to use the existing facility for another County Service and build a New Library. RBSA worked with the County Manager, the Library Director and the Library Board on library service goals and a space needs analysis that addressed both current and future community needs. It was important that the library offer increased support for community programs while being managed by the same number of staff. The layout of the library placed Staff in a central location with sightlines to all points in the open facility. The facility includes a Large Meeting Room with full catering kitchen, Large Computer Class/Lab, History Room, Dedicated Teen Room, Dedicated Story Time Room and a large outdoor Reading Porch.
Perquimans County
14,705 sq. ft. New Construction